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Here are a list of common issues and errors you might find while using our bots, along with step-by-step instructions on how to fix them.

"I need the View Channel and Send Messages permissions in this channel."

No View or Send permission

Why this happened

This error typically occurs when the bot lacks the View Channel and/or Send Messages permissions in the channel that you ran the command in.


This error specifically points to the channel that you ran the command in, and not the channel that the bot is trying to connect to (if applicable).

How to fix this

  1. Hover over the channel name in the left sidebar, and click the Edit Channel button.

    Edit Channel step

  2. Click the Permissions tab.

    Permissions tab

  3. Scroll down to Advanced permissions, and click on the + button next to "Roles/Members".

    Advanced permissions

  4. In the pop-up, search for the bot's name, and click on it to give it a "Permission Override".

    Search for bot

  5. Under General Channel Permissions, enable the View Channel permission.

    View Channel permission

  6. Under Text Channel Permissions, enable the Send Messages permission.

    Send Messages permission


    If you are running the command in a "Voice Channel Chat", the permission will be found under Voice Channel Chat Permissions.

    Send Messages permission for voice channel chat

  7. Click the Save Changes button.

    Save Changes button

"I need the Connect and Speak permissions in the voice channel."

No Connect or Speak permission

Why this happened

This error typically occurs when the bot lacks the Connect and/or Speak permissions in the voice/stage channel that it's trying to join.


This error specifically points to the voice/stage channel that it's trying to join (most likely the channel you're in), and not the channel that the command is being run in.

How to fix this

  1. Hover over the channel name in the left sidebar, and click the Edit Channel button.

    Edit Channel step

  2. Click the Permissions tab.

    Permissions tab

  3. Scroll down to Advanced permissions, and click on the + button next to "Roles/Members".

    Advanced permissions

  4. In the pop-up, search for the bot's name, and click on it to give it a "Permission Override".

    Search for bot

  5. Under Voice Channel Permissions, enable the Connect and Speak permissions.

    Connect and Speak permissions

  6. Click the Save Changes button.

    Save Changes button